Sleep-it breaks through to the waking world mimicking the flotsam that floats following the currant. The sleep cycle follows a path of fitfulness, partial awareness, and deep REM, but what percolates to the conscious mind is happenstance. The quality of the sleep and the retention of the dream is often beyond control of the dreamer. The memory from the sleep state has a profound effect on body and mind that carries into consciousness.
The dreamer is cocooned in fabrics and comforts to deepen and the sweeten sleep but the quality of sleep, the dream, and how the conscious mind holds the moment in the transition from the sleep state is unpredictable.
The landscape created by the sleeper has similar patterns to the sleeping mind. Fabric holds memory of its disturbance whether the figure is present or whether it is the remnants of a careless shuffling and piling. The accidental folds and creases, overlapping of textures and the way in which light catches the scene is a fleeting moment that is common within the confines of an intimate setting, but rarely witnessed by outsiders. I revisit these moments and project my personal visual observation with my perception of what is/was taking place within the Dreamscape.

© 2023 by Hannah Cole Dahar all rights reserved